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发布日期:2020-05-22    点击:






The "Word Expert" English Vocabulary Contestcompleted

In response to the “Suspension of classes but still imparting knowledge and offering guidance” initiative, our college held a vocabulary test sponsored by the Office of Academic Affairs and Innovation & start-up Guidance Center at 6 p.m. on 18thMay. It is aimed at activating students’ interest in learning English, meeting the needs of online English learning, improvingmultimedia teaching,innovating the testing methods and upgrading teaching system.

The contest was held via internet with a variety of vocabulary questions randomly.A total number of 9,249 students registered,among which 7,105 took up the preliminary test. The completion rate was 91.68%. The top 200 participants secured to the next stage with the invitation from the platform.

In accordance tothe scores andspeed for this test, 20 students including Zhang Luhua from the School of Economics and Management, Qi Weina from the School of Forestry won the first prize, 50 students including Sun Shuanglong of the School of Economics and Management won the second prize, and 80 students including Cui Mengmeng of the School of Information won the third prize. The first prize winner will betherepresentative of ouruniversityto compete in the Hebei Province finals.

The contest upheld the principle of promotinglearningbycontest and checked the online learning quality during the pandemic while inspiring the learning interest. Before the preliminary test, the studentsmade full preparation by practicing by themselves on line. The single day of April 28th recorded anastonishingtotal ofself-learning hours of 2,400.

This contestwent beyond the space and realized a large-scale contestwith more than 7,000 people participatingatthe same time digitally. It not only made new breakthroughs to the teaching and practice activities of ouruniversity, but also stimulated students' interest in independent vocabulary learning and improvedtheir competence.(Translated by Du Yue, MTI 2020)
