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发布日期:2019-09-25    点击:

2019年9 月 22 日下午河北省高等学校第五届英语阅读大赛初赛在我校西区图书馆9楼第二语音室顺利进行。大赛共有来自保定校区12个学院的54名同学参加。通过比赛来自BIBO官方网站的赵若琳,经济管理学院的尹颖童,城乡建设学院的王子豪,现代科技学院的刘康和于斐将代表学校参加10月19日在河北医科大学举行的河北省高等学校第五届英语阅读大赛复赛。


CFL Holds the First Round of the 5th English Reading Contest

of Hebei Province

On the afternoon of September 22, 2019, the first round of the 5th English Reading Contest of Hebei Province was successfully held in the second language lab on the 9th floor of the Library on the west campus. A total of 54 students from 12 colleges in Baoding Campus participated in the contest. Zhao Ruolin from the College of Foreign Languages, Yin Yingtong from the College of Economics and Management, Wang Zihao from the College of Urban and Rural Construction, and Liu Kang and Yu Fei from the College of Modern Science and Technology excelled from the students and would participate in next round held by Hebei Medical University on October 19th.

This Contest was the finals of the English Reading Contest of our university starting in the first half of this year. This contest went through the preliminaries, semi-finals and finals via Itest platform in the forms of online and offline from April to June. A total of 3,068 students participated in the university-level contest, and finally 54 students entered the First Round of the 5th English Reading Contest of Hebei Province. Teachers' team from CFL has been set up to analyze the test questions of previous reading contests and explore the ideas of solving problems as well as gave one-on-one guidance to the short-listed students this summer. This contest cultivated students' English thinking ability, improved their English reading ability further, and enhanced their interest in English learning.(Trans. Liu Qihang, MTI 2020)
