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发布日期:2021-05-03    点击:

为深入实施“青年马克思主义培养工程”,切实做好新形势下青年学生思想工作,2021年4月29日,BIBO官方网站于耕读楼2538 举行“青马工程”开班仪式。学院党委书记胡俊祥,党委副书记赵家发,全体辅导员老师及19级全体学生干部参加开班仪式。


BIBO官方网站将以“青马工程”为新的起点,进一步引导青年学习贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想,号召广大青年学生做马克思主义的忠诚信奉者,坚定实践者,在祖国和社会最需要青年的地方贡献青春力量。(作者 :刘永智)

CFL held the opening ceremony

 of the 2021 " Young Marxists Training Project " training class

On April 29, 2021, the opening ceremony of the " Young Marxists Training Project " was held at Room2538, Gengdu Building, School of Foreign Languages in order to further implement the "Young Marxists Training Project" and effectively develop and cultivate the ideology of students in the current situation Hu Junxiang,Secretary of the Party Committee of CFLand Zhao Jiafa, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of CFL , two graduate instructors and students of Grade 2019 attended the ceremony.

At the meeting, Hu Junxiang addressed the opening ceremony. He emphasized that the implementation of the "Young Marxists Training Project" is crucial to improving the ideological and political quality, policy theoretical skills, innovation capability, practical and coordination ability of the youth. Cultivating a large number of successors is of far-reaching significance. Also, he put forward some requirements for all student party members, hoping that they would further strengthen their belief in the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics in this training, and become qualified and reliable socialist builders and successors of. Afterwards, all participants watched the video "Follow the General Secretary to learn from the history" to have an understanding of the glorious years of the communist fighters, feel the indomitable revolutionary spirit of the Chinese nation and absorb the wisdom of advancement.

The College of Foreign Languages will take the " Young Marxists Training Project " as a new starting point to further guide young people to learn and implementXi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and call on young students to be loyal believers and firm practitioners of Marxism with contribution to places where youth are in great need.(Trams. Du Yue)
