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发布日期:2021-04-23    点击:




College of Foreign Languages held a special education lecture on party history study

On the afternoon of April 22, our college of foreign language and College of Humanities and Social Sciences jointly organized a special education lecture on party history learning in room 2108 of Chongde Building. In the meeting, we invited Associate Professor Zhu Dayong, member of the school's party history study and special education Publicity group and vice-dean of the Marxist Institute, to present a public report on the subject of "On Ten Major Relations” and the Opening of Socialist Road with Chinese Characteristics. More than 100 group members, teachers and students from both two colleges attended the report meeting.

In the report, Associate Professor Zhu Dayong, based on the Communist Party of China 's practice and theoretical exploration of building socialism during the early days of the founding of New China and the comparative analysis between the Soviet model and China's national conditions , explains the source of the socialist road with Chinese characteristics and outlines the unremitting exploration process of our party in building socialism with Chinese characteristics. The whole report was clear and logical with unique insights and profound understanding, which has won unanimous praise from teachers and students.

After the report, Party members have a deeper understanding of the glorious course, enormous contribution, initial purpose, great spirit and valuable experience of the CPC's century-old struggle. They also strengthened their faith and confidence in the leadership of the Party and socialism with Chinese characteristics, and continuously enhanced their consciousness and firmness of "two maintenance ". After the meeting, Party members claimed that they should remember history, inherit the spirit, strengthen confidence, combine the current study of Party history with their own work, transform the study results into work motivation and achievements, and make contributions to realize the Chinese dream.(Trans. Wang Lijie)
